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The FPGA update tool Quartus II install guide

Thanks for headfi memeber newabc support

Win 10 Quartus 16.1 installation note:

        I had never installed Quartus on Win 10 before, this time I did it. I didn't need to reboot the win 10 machine during the installation processes of Quartus and usb blaster, and before, on and after the flashing/update process, too.
(1) USB blaster hardware:
       I used a usb blaster introduced by @Pappas3278 (head-fi link) in this thread, the amazon seller is XYGStudy. I think the Waveshare and XYGStudy brands on Amazon are selling the same models(V1 and V2).

(2) Quartus software version:
      Quartus Prime Lite Edition 16.1(Free) from Intel. Exact version is It is a free version.
       Setup file's size is 1.7 GB. MD5 hash: CA6C71EE9B6AAB851D4A7E9FDC02C81D. It includes Nios II EDS. I haven't tried another setup file: it is ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition (includes Starter Edition). File size is 1.1 GB. MD5 hash: 81EAE2F2D55ABECD4F1265FCDFE74760.
       (Nios II EDS and ModelSim don't want install .)

(3) Installation process note:
(a) Installed Quartus 16.1 at first.
(b) USB port:
        The USB 2.0 ports on back panel of my motherboard are used by other stuff. USB 2.0 ports on my computer case's front panel cannot make the Device Manager recognize the usb blaster even Win 10 pop-ups a "found new hardware" window before I opened Device Manager. So I used a USB 3.0 port on the front panel.
(c) After plugged in the usb blaster, the Device Manager shows an unconfigured usb-blaster in "other devices". Just follow the 2nd step in @DACLadder 's "Altera Blaster Checks" document. In the Quartus 16.1, the driver can be found in "D:\intelFPGA_lite\16.1\quartus\drivers" if you installed Quartus software in "D:\intelFPGA_lite\16.1\" folder.
(d) Power on the DI-20 and connect the blaster to it as Kingwa's update guide(link). If the Quartus Prime Lite 16.1 asks for device installation after you start the main program, just press "no".
(e) Start the programmer by "Tools => Programmer" menu of Quartus Prime Lite 16.1", then follow the 3a and 3b step of the "Altera Blaster Checks" document to do "hardware setup".
(f) Start the JTAG chain debugger by "Tools => JTAG chain debugger" menu, then follow the 3rd step of the "Altera Blaster Checks" document to "Test JTAG chain" before flashing.
(g) Follow the 6th to 8th steps of Kingwa's update guide (link)  to finish the flashing and update.
       Thanks for Kingwa's original update guide and @DACLadder 's "Altera Blaster Checks" ("Altera Quartus II 16.0 Programmer Tools Basic Screen Shots") document.



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