Shipped since July 2019, the unit has upgraded the transformers ,
can power on long term.
Please note:
The product even had burn in over 300 hours before shipping.
You can power on it with playing music if you are at home for
quickly finished burn in. If you don't want listen music during the
burn in term, you can turn the amp volume to minimum.
Please power off before connect or
disconnect the inputs and outputs .
Power on the product must had more
than the half minute after last power off .
Function introduce :
The front plate before Nov. 2019

The front plate since Nov. 2019

Setting button :
Push the
"Setting" button one
time, the one digit display will blink for active the function
setting , push the right "Selector" button can change function . While
the display blink, push "Setting" again , the right next
one digit display
will blink , push the left "Selector" button the left next one digit
display will blink .
While the "Dis" LED blink, push
the "Setting" one time , the menu will change to menu page 2.
Left Selector buttons:
the display non blink, for select the input sources.
The 1st of right in the display show 1: AES/EBU digital input.
The 1st of right in the
display show 2: RCA coaxial digital input.
The 1st of right in the
display show 4: Optical digital input.
The 1st of right in the
display show 5: HDMI-IIS digital input.
The 1st of right in the
display show 6: USB digital input.
(IN3 is the 50 ohm
external clock input, setting through the below introduce )
The external clock input
impedance must be 50 ohm, and must match with same impedance
external clock generator and cable.
While the display blink,
for the setting digit move one left.
Right Selector buttons:
the display non blink, for select the input sources.
While the display blink, for
setting the digital process functions.
Menu Page 1:
Syn (Internal
or External clock selection) :
I (Internal) : Select the internal clocks.
E (External) : Select the external clock.
While connect the external
clock, the dot of the bottom right corner has light and mean the
clock connection had succeed.
The selection only available
while the dot has light, otherwise the display show "Fail" if select
the external clock .
(Simulate SAA7220 +TDA1541A sound) :
t (TDA)
: Active simulate SAA7220 +TDA1541A, digital attenuation low to -55DB,
was -130DB. Bitwide low to 16bit , was 24 bit. While active this
function, I are advice setting to OS2 or OS4 mode. But infact, this
function can working with any setting mode.
r (R-2R) : Disable
simulate SAA7220 +TDA1541A .
OS (Oversampling) :
O (OS) : For select oversampling.
n (NOS) : For select NOS mode.
Mode ( OS and NOS modes):
While OS
setting on "O" mean the DAC working under oversampling
mode, loIr number OS modes sound became warmer
and smoother. Or depend on your sense .
0 : class
technology NOS mode.
2 : 2X oversampling.
4 : 4X oversampling .
8 : 8X oversampling.
While OS setting on "N" mean
the DAC working under NOS mode, it has one mode now, it is the full
new NOS configure design. We keep it has 1 to 3 because in future if
we update more NOS mode, users don't want replace the MCU.
Di (Display) :
A (Auto) : Active the display
auto dark, the display will become dark in around 10 seconds after
stop operate any buttons .
n (Non auto) :Disable the display auto dark, the display light
Menu Page 2:
1st number (reserved) :
number (reserved) :
1,Set to most neutral sound mode
(8x oversampling, non TDA mode):
Push the "SETTING" button 2 times, the 2nd digital
of the 1st menu blinking, then push the "Right INPUT" set it to
"r" , then push the "SETTING" button 1 times, ,the
3rd digital
blinking, push the "Right INPUT" set it to "O", then push the
"SETTING" button 1 times, ,the 4th digital blinking, push the "Right
INPUT" set it to "8".
Thanks to Bill from USA gave us
the suggest and samples.
2,Set to TDA1541
Simulate mode:
Push the "SETTING" button 2 times, the 2nd digital
of the 1st menu blinking, then push the "Right INPUT" set it to
"t" , then push the "SETTING" button one times, ,the 3rd
digital blinking, push the "Right INPUT" set it to "O" , then push
the "SETTING" button 1 times, the 4th digital blinking, push the "Right INPUT" set it to "0"
or "2" or "4" (the number lower sound is more warmer and smoother).

3,Set to NOS mode (New
configure NOS mode with simulate TDA mode for the one of the most warm
and smooth sounding):
Push the "SETTING" button 2 times, the 2nd digital
of the 1st menu blinking, then push the "Right INPUT" set it to
"t" , then push the "SETTING" button 1 times ,the 3rd digital
blinking, push the "Right INPUT" set it to "N" .

definitions : (Compatible with PS audio standard)
Pin 1 : SDATA -
Pin 2 : GND
Pin 3 : SDATA +
Pin 4 : SCLK +
Pin 5 : GND
Pin 6 : SCLK -
Pin 7 : LRCK -
Pin 8 : GND
Pin 9 : LRCK +
Pin 10: NC
Pin 11: GND
Pin 12: NC
Pin 13: NC
Pin 14: NC
Pin 15: NC
Pin 16: NC
Pin 17: GND
Pin 18: NC
Pin 19: NC
Even the
source has MLCK output but has not effect .
Upgrade Port :
The DAC can through an USB cable
connect betIen computer and "Upgrade Port" to upgrade the firmware
for improve the sound quality or performance .