Upgrade to the Amanero combo384 USB module
and H mode:
Price +USD80 (Promo), the upgrade functions
as below :
A, Upgrade to the Amanero combo384 USB module for
replace the USB32, ( Choice this upgrade option,
customer don't want upgrade the TCXO for the USB ).
B, After upgrade, except the gain mode F and S,
customer can select the gain mode H , the H mode is design for drive
the HE-6 and other low sensitivity headphones and low output level
sources . (In the H mode, the NFB-28 had 25DB gain ).
C, A switch on rear for select the DAC / Pre output
with / without volume control (The headphone output mode always had
the volume control).
D, Built in a jumper for customer select if want to
dark the display at around 8 seconds after stop operate the unit .
E, Built in mulriple jumpers for customer select the
digital filter mode between Fast / Slow roll off ( Available of PCM
signal input ) , and the DSD filer roll off between 50KHz / 60KHz /
70KHz, and the digital filter select between NOS /
Oversampling (Available of PCM signal input from USB or I2S ).
Upgrade to the Amanero combo384 USB module:
Upgrade to the Amanero combo384 USB module
for replace the USB32, price +USD45 ( Choice this upgrade option,
customer don't want upgrade the TCXO for the USB ).
3, Upgrade TCXO for USB-32 and ES9018 for
slight improve on the sound transparency
There two TCXOs can be upgrade for
the USB-32 and ES9018, cost is USD20/per, without shipping delay
,If customer had choice the H mode upgrade option, the USB don't
need upgrade the TCXO.
Custom order two pair RCA outputs:
The NFB-28 default have one pair RCA and
one pair ACSS output , If customers don't want ACSS output , free
replace by RCA output without shipping delay .
5, Custom order HDMI replace RJ45 I2S
Price is USD20, without shipping delay.
6, Custom order HDMI replace USB input.
Free with 1 days shipping delay.
7, Custom order the
display dark at around 7 seconds after operated.
+USD1,without shipping delay , If the
customer choice the H mode upgrade mode, don't need custom order
this function.

Customer can custom order the different define of the I2S pins free.
Please note: Don't hot push / pull of
the I2S cable. Any time must power off the units then push or pull
the I2S cable.