At July 2004, I registered the brand audio-gd , at September 2004, I
published the first generation diamond difference design at the < Radio
& TV> , the best popular audio technology magazine in China .
There were a lot DIYer call me even writed letters to me discuss the
circuit. |
At November 2004 , the fist regular product of audio-gd , XA-100 power
amp released. It had the good honor from customers , let audio-gd
can stand and grow up. Before this amp, I already have 6 years
experiences of built the Diamond Difference circuit . |
At 2005, the first regular DAC product DAC-1 released, a TDA1541A with
diamond difference output stages. |
2006 ,the RT-1 released , its sound adjusted based on a 300B
tube amp. |
At 2007 , the RT3
kit released for DIYers . |
At 2008
, the DAC-3 released, built in 4 pcs PCM1704 with diamond difference design . |
At 2009 ,the
SA-300 balanced amp released . |
At 2010, I design the dual TDA1541AS2 DAC for fun, we only sale 5 units to
the return customers . A pair
TDA1541AS2 now value USD800 in market . |
At 2011 is the Reference 8 and 9
released . |