USD1138 ( Exclude shipping cost)
Two chassis versions available,
customer must inform while place the order ,otherwise we ship the
edition randomly:
DI-25HE Black
DI-25HE Silver

Built in Accusilicon 90 and 98MHz clocks:
Click to download the
combo 384
(Only for WIN, other operate systems without
driver install necessary)
Please Note:
The product has built in Amanero USB interface, it's
USB can compatible well with the WINs, Apple OS/IOS and
computer type Linux /Android (Include PI,ROCK64, newer model Android
phone and TV) but we can not promise it can compatible well with
the non computer based digital transports' USB output.
The DI-25HE had built in
ultra speed isolation, fully isolate the USB and clock inputs to the
all outputs, don't need connect external
USB isolation , just let the USB connect to computer directly.
There are a lot different IIS definition exist with other brands ,
that need set on the front plate to match with the DAC IIS input
definition . Customer also can send the definition to us ask how to
set or set before ship.
What's new feature in DI-25HE:
1, Built in HDMI-IIS input ,can connect the
source devices which has the compatible HDMI- IIS output .
2, The HDMI input signal has reject the
jitter , resynchronize the clock and data and regenerate the most
exact clock signal that can improve the sound quality of the
connected source obvious , especial the low-end and middle level
3, The source HDMI output definition must
same with below diagram and the source the MCLK signal lower than
40MHz (most sources built in the 24.576MHz clock that can compatible
with the DI-25HE HDMI input ) .

4, We have audition the DI-2014 (A 10 years
old DI) and a
USD300 CD player and some other sources , connected the DI-25HE ,
the sound quality improve obvious , almost same as the DI-25HE
connect to a Macbook pro directly.
5, The new clock configure design improve the
sound quality for all inputs.
Other features:
1, Built in regenerative power supply as built in a private power
generator ,it built with pure class A PSUs and pure class A
full balanced drive amps.
2, Built in the Amanero USB interface that is the most compatible
and steady ,during test ,support WIN, OSX, IOS and Linux , and had
been test with some TV and phone models that is based on Android
3, HDMI-IIS output can set the definitions of PCM and DSD through
the display menu .
4, built in the best sound R core transformer and 13 groups
ultra PSUs, supplys to the
different signal parts separately .
5, The USB inteface and FPGA processor have applied the same clocks
for avoid the different clocks effect the sound quality .
6, FPGA data process mode can select either parallel or series mode
The USB output IIS data is series transmit
mode, every data must need one clock cycle to process or transmit,
one frame data ( Include L and R data) must need 64 clock cycle to
process or transmit, so the data has effect by the 64 clock cycles.
But the parallel data process
and transmit mode only need one clock cycle can finish the one frame
data process
and transmit, that can avoid the effect of clock stability .
The USB data has recombine become dual 32bit parallel data
once input , and the DSD input has
recombine become dual 64bit parallel data once input.
The parallel process and
transmit mode can improve the sound quality on the transparency and
detail but still analog.
In the parallel process mode,
all data processing by 256fs clock frequency, but not the usual mode
that different sampling music data with 64-256fs variable clock
frequency. The fixed 256fs clock frequency makes the signal has more
exact timing in phase,
process with same timing to keep the sound flavor is same.
7, The display can show the sampling of PCM and DSD, and it can as
the interface between human and machine, allow user change the
setting in the unit .
8, Built in USB firmware update button and FPGA firmware update
connector, update firmware without open the unit, and support sound
quality upgradeable in future.
9, The digital data and clock even more easy effect by transmit
than the analog signal, cause the DAC sound worse even can not work.
So the DI-24HE built in multiple strong drive ability chips to drive
the different data and clock, to reduces the effect during transmit