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Real Balanced ACSS Mono Power Amp
Supports XLR and ACSS input

price: USD3130 



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Audio-gd products had design and test based on the AP SYS-2722 (The top-drawer professional equipment in world)

Fully balanced design, the gain stages and pre-driver stages work in class A and are built with discrete analog stages without any OPA or coupling caps in the signal channels.
The output transistors stages work in high idle current state . The Diamond Cross output stage design avoids "switch distortion" as good as class A amps.
Non- feedback ACSS analog amps.
2 group analog inputs:  XLR / ACSS
Applies 48 pieces of ON Semiconductor  “the King of transistors” MJL4281/4302. Supports 250W X2 (8 Ohms) output.
 The capacitance of the whole machine reaches as high as 220,000 uF, Two 750W (Total 1500W) core transformers and two R core transformers , Separate power supplies for the right and left channels.
A total of 4 groups of high-quality class A parallel connection PSU's supply the gain stages.
Applies all audiophile grade components, including DALE resistors, WIMA caps, custom order NOVER (UK brand) caps, all audiophile grade input & output sockets and gold IEC socket. Applies the round-corner style chassis which has lower syntony, or vibration. Between the transformers and signal amps resides a thick metal board to avoid disturbance.

Advice:    1, Master-2 has extremely high fidelity; its SQ is neutral. It can show how good or how bad a recording or source is.
                     2, It is better not to stack gear on top of each other, if it's necessary to stack Master-2 on other gear, place a piece of paper or other insulating material on top of the other gear, as the Master-2 has conductive aluminium feet.
                     3, Attention must be given to matching suitable power and signal cables.

A review of our preamp and power amp from John Darko.

13th May.  , McIntosh  from USA:

           My friend Don McIntosh wanted me to relay this message to you and I quote "Congratulations on the monoblocks and stereo amp, they are SENSATIONAL! The chain of Audio-gd gear in my system never sounded so great through my McIntosh XRT2K speakers! Keep up the good work. Your friend (signed) Don McIntosh."

Combo: Master 7 + Master 1 + Master 2
13th Aug.  , Jan  from Sweden:

           I have now almost completed the building of my/our "Music-room". I have waited until now to test the Master2 and -3 to drive the Quad ESL63's with the Finnish-made Sub-woofers Sw-63's.

         The reason for writing this is the fact that the Quad speakers are an easy load on amplifyers but doesn't sound good with them all.

         I can assure You that the Quad ESL-63 sounds fantastic with the Master-gear. I have allways been driven them with vacuum tube-amplifiers because of this... But with Your M-2 and -3 I cannot see any reason to return to Vacuumtubes.

Combo: Master 7 + Master 1 + Master 2 + Master 3


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