The Precision 3S is based on the Precision 3 but
changed some parameter, the sound has improved on musical.

Cables maybe required:
Standard 2 channel single ended:
Standard ACSS cable :USD25/pair/1M (For single-ended ACSS
Standard RCA cable : USD35/pair/1M (For single-ended RCA preamp)
2x P3 Bridged (Mono) balanced:
Bridge ACSS 1 to 2 cable : 40/Pair (For balanced ACSS
preamp; requires 2x Precision 3 in bridge mode, 1 Meter)
Bridge XLR-2RCA cable: USD65/Pair (For balanced preamp,
requires 2x Precision 3 in bridge mode, 1 Meter)

2X P3 Bi-AMP (Mono) 4 channels:
Bi-amp ACSS cable 1 to 2 cable : 40/Pair (For single
ended ACSS preamp; connect 2x Precision 3 working in bi-amp
mode, 1 Meter)
Bi-amp RCA 1 to 2 cable: USD50/Pair (For single-ended
preamp; connect 2x Precision 3 in bi-amp mode, 1 Meter)
Headphone output cable
Headphone adapter cable: USD50 (For Precision 3 drive
single ended 6.3MM headphone, 0.6 Meter)

Audio-gd products had
design and test based on the AP SYS-2722 (The top-drawer
professional equipment in world)
Fully discrete design, Non- feedback, current mode ACSS and DC
coupled analogue power amplifier
The gain stages and pre-buffer stages all work in class A, built
with discrete analogue stages without any opamp or coupling
capacitors in the signal channels.
Diamond Cross Non-feedback output stages designed to avoid
"switch distortion", rivaling class A amps.
2 analogue inputs: RCA and proprietary ACSS single ended
In total 4 transistors (150W / 15A each). Supports 70W X2 (8
Ohms) output power and 13W X2 (40 ohm headphone)
Power Supply capacity of more than 40,000 uF, powered by
oversized transformers
Built with high quality precision 0.1% KOA resistors and WIMA
To guarantee cleanest sound and avoid electromagnetic radiation
internal metal shielding panels are installed
Sound characteristics:
We have designed the unit to provide
neutral sound and keep the right harmonic distortion to
experience a smooth and rich sound.
Please note:
Read the User Manual page before using
the Precision 3.
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